Ah blogspot, long time no see!Ok, I put my hands up... I have been categorically useless. The fact I had forgotten my log in details is a clear indication of how undeniably rubbish I really have been.
So, one long year on and today I have reached my first year of remission.... Ye haw!
This mile stone was feared unreachable a fair few months ago and now it has nearly flown past with out acknowledgement! How times change.
Any way memory jogged and my keyboard dust free, it is an absolute pleasure to be re-acquainted with you. So, where do I start re-capping my first year footloose and C-Free? I guess the best place is to explain why I have fallen off of the radar with a big old bump.
I expected the call of Remission to be the final obstacle before I was set free and I entered back into the real world. Not a world based around hospital meetings, daily injections and more tables then Lloyds chemist. In the words of Yazz, "The only way is up". How very wrong...
I put my hand on my usually level headed heart and say this with deep sincerity, I went absolutely crackers. I have never, ever been so unstable?! I did not know if I was coming or going, I handled situations irrationally and instead of taking it easily I proceeded to get... well if I am totally honest, shitfaced!
I had previously thought I had been in limbo but yet again those feelings had been superseded and I was firmly back on this immense roller coaster. It took me a long time to get back on track and stop questioning everything. In the mean time I had to be helped home by strangers on a handful of occasion, was sick in a baking tray and lost my wig twice ! I spent the first 4 months of remission hangover, hanging like a bat as they say. In hindsight, I should have spoken to the doctor but did not want to be more of a burden now it was no longer life threatening. My silliest decision of them all.
So, now head screwed back on the right way, I am feeling better than ever and looking forward to the next few months. I have thrown myself in to work, have hit my target for Kilimanjaro and have been putting my best foot forward with regards to training. Ok, the last bit is a blatant lie but there has been the occasional energetic motion that is outside the realms of general movement.
I promise I will be back shortly with an update on training.
Lots of Love,
x KJ x
Good luck!