Since the age of 14 I have not given the condition of my locks more than a seconds thought! It has been brutally dyed within an inch of its life and has been every shade of blonde possible.
So, that all came to a screeching halt when I was diagnosed and told I would lose my hair. I have not stopped think how much my hair actually means to me, I am aware I sound slightly neurotic but it is true! You hair is such a key feature losing it is hugely traumatic.
I am really apprehensive at the prospect of spending the next year of my life resembling a human malteaser and there are two specific reason why. The first is my hair shields the world from my incredibly weird shaped head and the second is the fact my ears appear to be running away from my body.
I have taken matters into my own hands and spent a small fortune on scarves and a wigs but can not help thinking I am going to spend 2010 resembling Jack Sparrow. Definitely not a look seen on the catwalks of London Fashion Week!
Unfortunately no matter how organised I was, nothing could have prepared me for the devastation and the heart ache you feel when you hair does begin to fall out, which happened for me after the second treatment. I had been adamant that I would be leaving my hair long until there was no more hair left. A bad hair day is tough enough the prospect of a No Hair Year is ever so slightly soul destroying!
The rate at which the hair follicles have died has been astonishing, the day after treatment and my bed was covered and I looked like I was wearing a brown furry jumper. To run you hand through your hair and it still be attached made me cry for two days solid. By the third day I did not even need to touch it, I decided then I would shave it and begin the process of wearing scarves etc. My hair dresser, however suggested I go short and wait another week or so before picking up the clippers. So I am now modeling a pixie crop which is something I would never have been brave enough to have normally.
Its also has given me a preview of what I will be able to do when my hair grows back. As it was falling out I made a little promise to it that I will never, ever treat it badly again! It has my word...
x KJ x